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History of the Tariffville Fire District
and the
Tariffville Water Commission

The Tariffville Water Commission of the Tariffville Fire District

The Tariffville Fire District (TFD) was organized in June 1919 at a Special Town Meeting of Simsbury (Vol. 72, Page 25) for the purpose of providing fire protection, streetlights, sewage disposal, and water supply for the Village of Tariffville. All but the water supply function has been merged since then with those of or for the Town of Simsbury.

In 1939, a Special Act of the state legislature, for the purpose of improving the water system, authorized the TFD to lay and collect taxes for this purpose. The TFD, doing business as the TWC, is a municipal entity, is not private, and cannot be sold to or acquired by a private Water Company. The TWC is not now, nor never has been, a part of the Village or Aquarion Water Company, a for-profit company serving much of Simsbury proper. This Fire District has had an unblemished record for over 90 years of successfully operating a community water system in providing a dependable source of pure water at reasonable rates to Tariffville citizens.

A Board of nine Directors, including a President, Vice President, and a Clerk/Chief Financial Officer operates the TWC. These are elected annually at a public meeting held at the TWC Office at the Tariffville Fire House at 7:00 p.m. on the fourth Thursday in May. If you have questions about your water supply, or if you would like to participate in the decisions that may affect the quality of the water, the business meetings of the Board are held on the second Tuesday of each month at 7:00 p.m. in the same office.

All voting Directors and Officers must be taxpayers and residents of Tariffville upon election.

The TWC is required to operate in the black solely on user fees and is required to file annual reports with the Department of Public Utility Control. These reports are created by Donald T. Ostop & Company, PC, Certified Public Accountants, Farmington, CT.

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